Friday, March 30, 2012

Blog Review (Dating Blog!)

This week I did some research on some blogs. I wanted to focus on dating blogs because dating is a huge part of preparing for marriage. Dating helps you learn what kinds of qualities you want your future spouse to have and also what kinds of activities you enjoy doing with that person. As you date, you begin to come to know yourself and your wants and needs better. As you learn these things about yourself, you will become more confident in dating and having the ultimate goal of finding someone who makes you extremely happy and to be married to them.  So I wanted to find a blog about dating that will help out with all of the problems that we seem to have when it comes to dating. Dating can be trying at times and sometimes it can be sheer bliss. When we embark on the dating journey we don’t know what has happened sometimes until it hits us hard and that is when we need advice immediately. That is what I feel this blog “Dating Advice (Almost) Daily”, is providing us with.

Here is the link for “Dating Advice (Almost) Daily”-

This blog is really fantastic and easy to use. At the bottom right of the homepage there is a section called “stuff I write.” There are a bunch of key words that you can click on that will take you to any posts she has written involving those key words. Some I found intriguing were: attract good men, attraction for love, self-esteem, and want to get married won’t commit. These are all wonderful topics to focus on as someone who is dating. As I said earlier, your self-improvement and self -love are some of the hugest aspects in working toward a positive dating outcome. A saying that I love says: “Become the person who you would like to date.” I really love this because I think a lot of times we are looking for that nearly perfect person and when they don’t show up immediately, it’s time to do a self-evaluation.

Another reason I love this blog is that the advice that is given about each of these dating issues is very reasoned and sound. She doesn’t tell you to go egg the persons house for breaking up with you, which although might seem to help, won’t really have any effect in the long run. I think she gives great advice and really is educated on the answers she gives. Most importantly I want you to remember when you date that you are an amazing person and that your self worth and your attitude about yourself is infinitely more important than any person you will ever date. Don’t lower those standards that are most important to you. I think that the author of this blog also does a great job of reminding the readers of this.

I wish you the best in reading this blog and I hope you find it as helpful as I have! Happy reading! 


  1. "Become the person you would like to date". What great advice! I love your thoughts of focusing on this because it is so true. What a great way for us to evaluate ourselves, and something to think about when dating. Thanks for the blog recommendation. I know a few people I can pass this on to.

  2. Hello!
    I agree with Tami! That is a fantastic quote!
    Even though I'm newly married I may still visit that site.
    It sounds like it has some great information to consider while dating.
    And hey my husband and I still date! Each other. haha

  3. Very well said, I have been looking for good dating sites, and this is one of the best.

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